Divine Services:
Saturday - Adult Lecture Class at 3:00 pm
Saturday - Great Vespers at 4:00 pm
Sunday - Divine Liturgy at 9:30 am (hours begin at 9:00 am)
"At the end of the day, can you truthfully say: "Lord, I have given my best"?
Welcome Visitors!
Our parish of St. Andrew welcomes you and thanks you for joining us in true worship and praise! We hope that you will return to worship with us regularly. If you should desire any information about our parish, or the Orthodox Faith please emal: st.andreweoc@gmail.com!
On Tuesday, October 12, 2021, Archpriest Father Emilian D. Hutnyan ws awarded the 2021 Maple Heights Citizen of the Year award by Mayor Annette M. Blackwell. Mayor Blackwell stated several times that when she is in need of something she can call Father Emilian and he always answers. 2020 Fr. Emilian celebrated 30 years of he Holy Priesthood. He was awarded the proclamation at the State of the City meeting for being a valued and selfless dedicated resident of Maple Heights, OH. Because of his diplomatic and prudent judgement he has been called on by the Mayor and the City Administration to assist in conflict resolution. He has also offered his own money for a reward to residents who were instrumental in saving a young mother and child's life. He has offered the hall at no cost to the Mayor, Council Members, Department Heads for community meetings, Easter Fest, Community Shred Days, and the Mobile Farmer's Market. The Farmer's market takes place once a month at St. Andrew, and Fr. Emilian is the first one there to open the doors and assist with the distribution of food. He also welcomes local youth to feel free and safe to play, bike, skateboard, etc. in the church parking lot, and often times inviting them in for a soft drink and show them the church. He offers weekly prayers for the Mayor, Police and Fire Departments, and First Responders. On behalf of the St. Andrew Council and beloved parishioners, we would like to congratulate Fr. Emilian on this wonderful and well deserved honor.
Local Heros Recognized - 01/16/2019
On Wednesday, January 16, 2019 the City of Maple Heights recognized two young men who on the evening of December 23, 2018, took action and saved the lives of two local residents. You can read about these two young gentlemen in the link below. Fr. Emilian and several parishoners were present during this wonderful event and reception. State and local officials were there as well as the two young men, their families, and the family they saved. Fr. Emilian offered two prayers for the men, families, First Responders, and for the City of Maple Heights. He also offered the men and the family a very nice donation to reward them for their selfless act of heroism. We are very proud of these young men, and our city of Maple Heights for honoring them!
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